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Associate Members

Associate Members

This category of membership is for individuals, as only organizations can be full Members with voting rights. However individuals can be Associate Members and enjoy all benefits other than the right to vote.

Note: the CCR does not accept as Associate Members individuals who:

  • are affiliated with organizations which could otherwise become full Members
  • are government employees (federal, provincial or municipal)
  • work for the media

To apply to become an Associate Member, please complete the CCR Associate Member form  online along with the first year's membership fee. The fee is $120 a year and can be paid online. If you are a youth, 25 years old or younger, the fee is $35.

Note that on the application form we ask individuals applying for Associate Membership to provide the name of a person in a CCR member organization who can speak for them, and a brief statement on why you are interested in joining the CCR.

All applications for membership are subject to approval by the CCR Executive Committee. For the Committee to evaluate a membership application from an organization the following information is needed (also stipulated on the application form):

  • a completed application (see below)
  • payment for the first year's membership

Once they have been received, we will present your application for approval to the Membership Committee of the CCR Executive Committee, and we will let you know the outcome.