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Public statement

Statement for International Women's Day 2016

On International Women’s Day, the CCR reflects on the situation of newcomer women in Canada, and on opportunities for improvements in the coming years.

The CCR welcomes the announcement by Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship John McCallum that the government will soon follow through on its campaign promise to repeal conditional permanent residence. Since its implementation in 2012, this measure has made sponsored spouses, particularly women, more vulnerable to abuse and has forced some to remain in abusive relationships in order to avoid losing status in Canada.

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Rebuilding a warm Canadian response to refugees from around the world

The Canadian Council for Refugees welcomes the outpouring of warmth and hospitality towards Syrian refugees demonstrated by countless Canadians, including by offers of private sponsorship.

At the same time the new federal government has made refugees a priority, as shown by their undertakings to resettle Syrian refugees and the inclusion of refugees in the title of the Minister and his department (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship). Provincial and municipal governments have also shown leadership in their welcome of refugees.

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Statement in response to attacks in Paris and Beirut

The CCR joins in the global outrage at the recent mass murders in Paris and Beirut. The loss of life and shattering of our sense of security connects us to the daily death and destruction in Syria and in other countries at war. We hope that Canadians will remember that Syrian refugees are victims of this violence and will redouble their commitment to welcome them in Canada.

We are dismayed by some public statements unfairly associating refugees with security risks. We would like to point out the following:

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Announcement: CCR Endowment Fund receives new contributions

16 November, 2015

We are pleased to announce that we have received two new donations to the CCR Endowment Fund totalling $ 25,000. Gifts to the Endowment Fund sustain the long-term future of the work of the Canadian Council for Refugees.

Both donors generously chose to give to the CCR Endowment Fund after receiving a legacy. One of the donors, a long-time CCR supporter and Friend, wanted to share a personal account of why it was important to her to share this gift and to contribute to the future of the CCR in this way.

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Position on the Recommendations of the Vega Jimenez Inquest

  1. The CCR welcomes the recommendations of the jury, which identify numerous important steps that need to be taken to protect the rights and dignity of persons detained under Canada’s immigration legislation. The CCR supports most of the recommendations.
  2. Liberty is a fundamental right and can only be taken away in limited, legally prescribed circumstances. Detention under immigration legislation should therefore only be used as a last resort and after alternatives to detention have been explored.
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