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Immigration and Settlement

Disaggregated Data

Resolution number
  1. The CCR has two resolutions on poverty Racialization of poverty (Res.: 1 , Nov 2016) and Poverty circumstances of Government-Assisted Refugees (Res.: 2 , Nov 2005)
  2. Federal, provincial and territorial government legislation and policies should be based on sound evidence (including, but not limited to demographic and user data) that is representative of the experiences of all residents of Canada;
  3. Publicly available census and other administrative data is not representative of all residents of Canada;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR call on federal, provincial and territorial governments to:

  1. Collect and make publicly available full access to disaggregated data;
  2. Ensure that legislation and policies that impact on poverty are informed by disaggregated data.

Criminality and Double Punishment

Resolution number
  1. Some people commit crimes in Canada. Those who are citizens have one punishment. Those who are permanent residents or protected persons face additional punishments, including:
  • criminal inadmissibility (with or without a right of appeal);
  • loss of permanent resident status and deportation;
  • prohibition on applying for citizenship for a certain period of time.
  1.  People who arrived in Canada as minors, people from racialized communities, and persons living with mental health issues, and who never obtained citizenship, are disproportionately affected by this differential treatment, and may face deportation despite having lived in Canada for most of their lives; 
  2. Discretionary relief on humanitarian and compassionate grounds, while important, is not an adequate remedy;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR take the position that criminal inadmissibility should not apply to permanent residents and protected persons in Canada who have lived in Canada for at least three of the past five years. 

Vicarious Trauma for frontline workers

Resolution number
  1. There is prolonged stress on the job in serving refugees and immigrants;
  2. There is a high risk for front line workers to face vicarious trauma when working with clients;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR ask federal and provincial funders of settlement services to increase funding for professional development and designate specific funds for training and support for staff in vicarious trauma, self-care, and trauma informed care.

Racialization of poverty

Resolution number
  1. The gap between rich and poor in Canada is widening generally, and disproportionately impacts racialized group members;
  2. Inequalities with respect to economic status, health, learning outcomes and more are deep and persistent among members of racialized groups;
  3. These are products of structural and systemic racism and exclusion;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR call on all levels of government in Canada to:

  1. Work to expand fair access to institutions and opportunities;
  2. Promote economic equity and justice;
  3. Seek investments in opportunity and advancement;
  4. Work to ensure that racial equity and racial justice efforts are adequately funded and effectively resourced.

Medical Inadmissibility

Resolution number
  1. Permanent residence applications are often refused by IRCC for reasons of medical inadmissibility;
  2. Those refused include applicants with family members with disabilities;
  3. A disability is not a health condition,
  4.  A disability is one of the grounds with Charter protection; 
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR:

  1. Take the position that people with disabilities should not be inadmissible for health grounds;
  2. Call upon IRCC to review Section 38 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the procedures and guidelines of medical inadmissibility for discriminatory content against persons with disabilities.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission Call to Action

Resolution number
  1. Newcomers to Canada like all Canadian residents are treaty peoples;
  2. The federal, provincial and territorial governments have a responsibility to make newcomers aware of treaties and the history of residential schools, and support their full participation as treaty peoples;
  3. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada issued 94 Calls to Action to federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal governments in its final report in December;
  4. TRC Calls to Action #93 and #94 specifically charge the federal government with providing a “more inclusive history of diverse Aboriginal peoples in Canada, including information about the Treaties and history of residential schools” and revising the Citizenship Oath to include swearing to “faithfully observe the laws of Canada including Treaties with Indigenous Peoples”;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR:

  1. Call on federal, provincial and territorial governments to:
    1. Move quickly to allow newcomers to understand and affirm the treaty relationship by implementing Calls to Action #93 and #94;
    2. Develop strategies in consultation with Aboriginal governments to ensure their implementation, and provide resources‎;  
  2. Call on federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal governments to implement in a timely manner all the other TRC Calls to Action 

Islamophobia and discrimination targeting newcomer youth

Resolution number
  1. Islamophobia and racist discrimination that disproportionately target newcomer youth are growing;
  2. This discrimination is being amplified by new and existing federal legislation; 
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR:

  1. Calls on the federal  and provincial governments to increase funding for newcomer youth services, and where applicable reverse recent funding cuts to these areas;
  2. Recognizes and promotes to member organizations youth engagement and youth-led programming, including by holding regular youth-directed information sessions and workshops to identify emerging issues and appropriate responses.
  3. Encourages members to respond to potentially harmful legislation and draw attention to the particular impacts on youth.

Settlement Renewal

Resolution number
  1. Settlement Renewal will have significant implications for settlement and integration services in Canada;
  2. A consultation on national principles was held at the CCR fall consultation with a broad participation including representatives from different provinces across Canada;
  3. A series of principles were generated.  A principle is defined as a commonly held, value-based guideline or framework that guides action;
  4. Consultation participants have expressed a need for further opportunities to provide a fuller input on the Settlement Renewal consultation;
  5. This consultation process on Settlement Renewal should be transparent, structured and inclusive with adequate federal funding;
Therefore be it resolved
  1. The settlement core group on behalf of the settlement working group:

*  monitor the Settlement Renewal process;

* further develop these principles and draft others which address gaps in the current set;

* develop standards which relate to these principles;

  1. The CCR forward this document immediately, followed by any subsequent principles and standards, to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration for inclusion in the legal agreements between the Federal Government and partners as determined through the Settlement Renewal process;
  2. The CCR communicate these principles to all the participants of the Settlement Renewal workshop.


National principles must be upheld by national standards.  These standards still need to be developed along with mechanisms which ensure compliance.

1.   Client eligibility

a) Settlement/integration services should be available to immigrants/refugees based on need rather than on immigration status or length of time in Canada;

2.   Eligibility of Service Deliverers:

b) Services which are mandated by provincial, regional, or local governments (health care, primary‑secondary education, administration of justice) should not be funded as settlement and integration services;

c) Not‑for‑profit, community‑based organizations with proven track records, and a primary mandate in delivering settlement/integration services should be given funding priority;

d) Service-providers should have expertise and skills in the field of settlement and integration;

3.   Rights of clients:

e) Providers of settlement and integration services must respect and protect fundamental rights of clients (eg. confidentiality, legal, etc.);

f) Services should be delivered in a manner that is culturally and linguistically appropriate and free from racism and other forms of discrimination;

g) Organizations collecting and using data must meet standards of appropriateness, confidentiality, validity, etc. and must be accountable to the clients whose information is being collected;

4.   Comprehensiveness of services:

h) Where appropriate and practical, clients should be able to choose from among service-providers the approach to service-delivery that best meets their needs;

i) Settlement/integration services should:

-  meet national standards,

-  reflect changing needs of the local community,

-  meet the self-defined needs of the individual immigrant/refugee;

5.   Accessibility of services

j) Services should be made accessible by identifying and removing systemic barriers;

6.   Priority-setting and funding allocation process

k)Where established, local or regional advisory bodies should identify local settlement and integration priorities.  These non-partisan bodies should be composed of community members with expertise in the provision of settlement services and reflect the ethno-racial composition of the client group;

7.   Humanitarian Obligations

l)Settlement Renewal should not reduce the federal government's national obligations to international responsibility-sharing and offering a safe haven to refugees.  The rights and needs of refugees must be integrated and guaranteed priority in the provision of settlement and integration services;

8.   Accountability

m) Allocation of settlement funds should be utilized solely for settlement/integration services;

n) Methods for ensuring accountability should be appropriate, realistic and cost effective. They should:

-reflect accountability methods already in place;

-not constitute "undue scrutiny" in comparison with practices for other comparable service sectors;

9.   Enduring Federal Role

o) A strong federal role must include a commitment to continue to fund settlement services at a rate not less than the 1994/95 funding level.

CIC documents for Trans Persons

Resolution number
  1. Gender identity is a fluid concept;
  2. Refugees may be persecuted because of their gender identity;
  3. Migrants’ gender identity may change before and after they arrive in Canada;
  4. Trans newcomers to Canada experience barriers in obtaining government documents which reflect their gender identity;
  5. CIC policies state that its documents cannot be changed to reflect persons’ lived gender identity;
  6. Provincial and Territorial Human Rights Codes protect the right to gender identity and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms prohibits discrimination; 
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR demand amendments to CIC policies such that immigration and citizenship documents reflect the gender of persons as they identify.

Missing and Murdered Aboriginal Women

Resolution number
  1. The CCR is committed to ensuring protection for all persons experiencing gender based violence;
  2. There are more than 1,000 missing and murdered First Nations, Inuit and Metis women and girls;
  3. First Nations, Inuit and Metis women and girls experience high levels of violence throughout Canada;
  4. The affected communities are calling for a national inquiry;
Therefore be it resolved

that the CCR call on the Canadian government to:

  1. Commit to and implement a National Action Plan that addresses the discrimination and inequalities facing Aboriginal women and girls.
  2. Establish a national inquiry to ensure this action plan is well informed and accountable.