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Immigration and Settlement

Non-status immigrants

Resolution number
  1. Undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees who have been living without status in Canada have made and continue to make vital contributions to our society;
  2. They have been denied access to basic social supports, health services and educational opportunities;
  3. They are exploited and marginalized because of lack of status;
  4. The rights of the children of undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees, including those who are Canadian-born, are often violated and they and their parents have no recourse because they are fearful of being deported;
  5. An increasingly restrictive Canadian immigration policy serves as a prohibitive barrier to equitable access to immigration to Canada;
  6. In the past the Canadian Government has instituted special programs to regularize the status of such persons without status;
  7. A just and humane solution must be sought to address the problem of the large numbers of undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees in the country;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR, together with other organizations and coalitions working for the rights of undocumented/non-status immigrants and refugees, advocate with CIC to develop a process that will allow those without status the opportunity to have their status regularized in Canada.


Work permits

Resolution number
  1. Canada issued over 87,000 temporary work permits last year;
  2. People living on temporary work permits are often in precarious and unstable situations;
  3. Many people living on work permits will eventually become landed in Canada;
  4. People living on temporary work permits are all contributing community members and paying taxes;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Urge CIC to expand eligibility to settlement services to those living on work permits.
  2. Undertake to examine the issues of, needs of and work being done with people living on temporary work permits.

Settlement funding allocation

Resolution number
  1. The need for language training increases in communities affected by secondary migration;
  2. The new funding allocation model does not address the immediate training needs of newcomers now living in affected communities;
  3. These communities have long waiting lists for LINC classes;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge CIC to:

  1. Increase the overall amount of money available for immigrant services.
  2. Include a consideration of secondary migration in the calculation of the funding allocation formula.

Double/triple reporting - ARS and ICAMS

Resolution number
  1. The government of Canada made a commitment to Canadians for efficient program management in the document "Results for Canadians";
  2. The government of Canada made a commitment to the Voluntary Sector for rational reporting systems in the Voluntary Sector Accord and its Code of Good Practice on Funding;
  3. LINC providers in Ontario are being forced into a triple reporting structure because CIC's two computer systems, the regional ARS and the national iCAMS, are incompatible and unreliable;
  4. ISAP providers in Ontario are being forced into double reporting because NHQ and Ontario Region do not have the same reporting requirements;
  5. Both LINC and ISAP providers are forced to input large amounts of client data into systems with no capacity to assist program management;
  6. CIC provides no realistic support for this administrative burden;
Therefore be it resolved

That CCR write to Treasury Board and CIC urging them to:

  1. Stop the implementation of iCAMS until the issues between CIC national and CIC region have been resolved.
  2. Review the iCAMS system in light of the new Voluntary Sector agreement to ensure that it conforms with the Code of Good Practices on Funding.
  3. Take into consideration CCR's previous resolutions from May 2001(Res. 1), Dec. 2000 (Res. 16) and May 1999 (Res. 4).

Social Insurance Numbers

Resolution number
  1. Homeless immigrants and refugees are a vulnerable population;
  2. HRDC will not issue Social Insurance Numbers without immigration documents and CIC will not issue permanent residence cards without a Social Insurance Number.
  3. Immigrants cannot travel without a permanent resident card after December 31, 2003.
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Urge HRDC to set up a process to work with homeless and other vulnerable immigrants to obtain Social Insurance Numbers.
  2. Urge CIC to extend the deadline for permanent resident cards until December 2004.

Client code of service rights

Resolution number

A CCR resolution in May 2003 supported the development of a Client Code of Rights to inform clients of their rights and outline a complaint process;

Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR endorse the following Client Code of Service Rights and encourage its use by CCR member organizations:

  1. You have the right to receive services in a trusting, respectful and supportive environment free of any form of discrimination or harassment.
  2. You have the right of privacy and confidentiality and to disclose only what you believe is necessary at any given time.
  3. Staff limits of confidentiality include: the requirement to report incidents of child abuse, to comply with a court ordered subpoena and to prevent harm.
  4. The file is the property of [Agency name] and you have the right to review it and make comments if you disagree with the contents of the file.
  5. You make decisions about your needs and goals.
  6. You have the right to refuse services at any time or to request service from an alternate person.
  7. You have the right to receive accurate, complete and timely information.
  8. You have the right to a safe, fair and transparent complaint process when you feel that your rights have been violated.

Continued work on trafficking

Resolution number
  1. CCR passed Resolution 24 in December 2001 and subsequently has held regional workshops and a national conference to explore the issues domestically.
  2. The Conference identified data collection, education and awareness-raising as key priorities.
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Urge Canadian Heritage/Status of Women Canada to support the implementation and the recommendations from the National Conference on Trafficked Women and Children.
  2. Urge to the Federal Inter-Departmental Working Group to include CCR in the discussions on trafficked persons.

Threat of open tendering

Resolution number
  1. The province of BC is preparing a system of 'Open Tendering' for settlement services, potentially contracting private sector interests to deliver core settlement services to immigrants for profit.
  2. CIC has intentionally developed an internationally unique infrastructure of community-based immigrant settlement organizations across all provinces and territories;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR express to CIC-NHQ (Integration), CIC BC Region and the BC Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services concerns about the threat posed to service quality, accessibility, professionalism and community connectedness by 'Open tendering' and the potential transfer of settlement services away from the current network of community-based agencies.

Youth involvement

Resolution number
  1. Youth comprise a significant and often overlooked portion of the population.
  2. Youth are the leaders of tomorrow;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR encourage the involvement and participation of youth at every CCR consultation by designating a local youth organizing committee and furthermore that the CCR support youth participation.


Relations with First Nations communities

Resolution number
  1. The immigrant and refugee sector has made little attempt to create meaningful linkages with Canada's First Nation communities.
  2. Non-aboriginal Canadians (including immigrants and refugees) have been beneficiaries of Canada's policies that have discriminated against Aboriginal communities;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on its members to sensitize themselves on the issues facing First Nations communities and explore ways of having meaningful dialogue with these communities.