Anti-oppression analytical framework
- CIC has developed and implemented a gender-based tool to identify differential impacts of policies, programs and services;
- IRB has developed and implemented guidelines on gender-related persecution;
- Gender is only one among many factors of oppression that have a differential impact on refugees and immigrants;
- CCR believes in and promotes a full, comprehensive and integrated anti-oppression framework of analysis that includes race, gender (including gender identity and expression), class, ability, sexuality (including sexual orientation), ethnicity, religion, age, nationality and immigration status;
That the CCR:
Urge CIC and the IRB to work with CCR to:
- expand their existing gender-based tools and guidelines to a full, comprehensive and integrated anti-oppression framework of analysis and apply it to policies, programs and services;
- Conduct training for their staff;
- Urge CIC and IRB to report periodically on the use of the tool, guidelines and training programs.