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Immigration and Settlement

Family reunification

Resolution number
  1. The Canadian Immigration Act and the Québec immigration law state that family reunification is a central objective of the Canadian and Québec immigration programs;
  2. Canada has signed and ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights and the American Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Man, all of which affirm the principle of family unity and that the family is entitled to protection by society and the state;
  3. The CCR has published an extensive report on family reunification and has passed various resolutions calling for the elimination of barriers to family reunification;
  4. The federal government continues to make changes in the Family Class regulations which serve to create further delays and barriers to reunification (i.e.. recent changes announced on March 18, 1997) and the Québec government has tightened the financial requirements for sponsors and has recently implemented a repayment program for defaulting sponsors without regard to their present financial situation;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on the Government of Canada to:

  1. Repeal the amendments of March 18, 1997 to the Family Sponsorship regulations;
  2. Initiate a process of consultative meetings with the CCR and concerned communities to revise the Family Sponsorship Regulations in a manner consistent with Canada's international human rights obligations;
  3. Recognize both in legislation and in policy implementation that family unity is the cornerstone of healthy and effective settlement for refugees and immigrants;
  4. Ensure that legislation, policy and regulations consider the importance of family unity on the successful settlement and long-term contribution of vulnerable groups such as survivors of torture and trauma, women at risk, and others who come to Canada under humanitarian programs;

AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the CCR call on the Government of Québec to review, in collaboration with the settlement agencies, its policy on defaulting sponsors to ensure that standards of fairness and equity are maintained in all situations.

AAP allocations for blended sponsorship programs

Resolution number
  1. The Department of Citizenship and Immigration Canada has undertaken a consultative process with relevant stakeholders with a view to developing sponsorship programs that will include partnerships and blended roles and responsibilities;
  2. In some regions, as of April 1st 1998, the AAP/RAP allocations will be limited to the major urban centres in each region thus excluding the possibility of blended programs in smaller urban centres and rural communities where AAP/RAP will no longer be administered;
  3. A significant portion of current and past blended programs such as the Joint Assistance Sponsorship Program, the Women at Risk Program and the Special 3/9 Program for refugees from the former Yugoslavia have been undertaken successfully in smaller urban centres and rural communities;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge CIC to seek ways to ensure that AAP/RAP allocations are made available and can be administered in all communities where sponsorship groups wish to assist refugees to resettle under Joint Assistance Programs and other blended programs.

Suggested changes from AAP to RAP

Resolution number
  1. Agencies experienced in providing AAP services are the most knowledgeable as to how to meet client needs;
  2. Inclusive, integrated, and related services should not be arbitrarily limited or required (e.g. number of hours, weeks or service) but should be discretionary and based on client need;
  3. Services must include, but not be limited to, finding of permanent accommodation and sufficient funding to provide initial temporary accommodation and counselling;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge that:

  1. Government funding for AAP services be based on delivery of needed services without arbitrary parameters and funding be contracted on a "Global" basis for agreed services;
  2. Meaningful dialogue and consultation between service delivery NGOs and CIC take place before final approval of RAP regulations.

Allocation of additional settlement funds

Resolution number
  1. The federal government has allocated additional dollars for settlement in various provinces over a three year period;
  2. This money has not been spent on settlement services in some provinces;
  3. The need to spend significant amounts of settlement funds in a short time period will not facilitate the most effective use of such dollars;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Request these dollars be used in all provinces for the purposes for which they were released, i.e. settlement services;
  2. Contact the Minister of Immigration to urge her to request that Treasury Board regulations be relaxed to allow the settlement funds allocated for 1997/98 fiscal year as a surplus to be spent on 1998/99 fiscal year.

Children's education

Resolution number
  1. Canada is a signatory to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child which guarantees education for children;
  2. Education is fundamental to child development;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Adopt the policy that education is a right of all minors regardless of immigration status;
  2. Write to appropriate Provincial Ministers of Education urging that they adopt the above policy, and, for those provinces where this is already required by law, urging that they comply with their own legislation;
  3. Write to CIC urging that in the interim letters of no objection be issued to the children of refugee claimants without delay prior to determination of eligibility.

Resettlement Assistance Program

Resolution number
  1. The CCR adopted Resolution 3 in November 1997 concerning changes from AAP to RAP and has not received a satisfactory response;
  2. There has been no consultation about the changes to services with the organizations that deliver the services, let alone with the refugees receiving the services;
  3. CIC is committed to promoting through its services greater independence in government-assisted refugees;
  4. CIC is continuing to impose a quantitative approach (defining the numbers of hours of service to be delivered, and the period within which they are to be delivered);
  5. The changes appear to mean, at least in some regions, significant cutbacks in services for government-assisted refugees;
  6. In some areas the role of reception centres is being called into question, but without open discussion and consultation;
  7. Citizenship and Immigration Canada is developing national standards for services to arriving refugees, again without consultations;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Reaffirm its call for RAP services to be contracted on a "global" basis - both temporary accommodation and services -  while maintaining the financial contribution to existing reception centres at the 1997-98 level;
  2. Note that "independence" for resettled refugees is best achieved through timely, holistic, effective and appropriate services;
  3. Call on Citizenship and Immigration Canada i) to review the proposed RAP implementation and develop national standards, in consultation with NGOs delivering the services and with resettled refugees, and ii) to hold a national meeting for this consultation.

Settlement services to lesbians, gays, bisexuals and trans-gendered refugees and immigrants

Resolution number
  1. The Human Rights Code includes sexual orientation as one of the prohibited grounds for discrimination in Canada;
  2. Gay men, lesbians, bisexual and transgendered individuals are as much a part of the immigrant and refugee communities as they are part of every community;
  3. Settlement agencies have the responsibility to provide relevant, effective and appropriate services to these further marginalized immigrant and refugee communities;
  4. The staff of settlement agencies, as part of a society that has heterosexist privilege, may have internalized a world view that further marginalizes these groups;
  5. This will impact negatively on the ability of the sector to provide effective settlement services to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered immigrants and refugees;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR play a proactive role in supporting the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered immigrants and refugees by:

  1. a) Becoming familiar with the issues affecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered immigrants and refugees, with the agencies providing specialized services to these communities, and with the immigration options available to them;

    b) Providing training opportunities at conferences for settlement staff to begin to challenge attitudes which discriminate against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered refugees and immigrants;

    c) Developing internal policies that affirm the rights of individuals who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered immigrants and refugees;

    d) Applying inclusive hiring practices that encourage the employment of staff from these communities.

  2. Taking a proactive role in encouraging CCR member agencies to accept their responsibility to provide appropriate settlement services to lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered immigrants and refugees by undertaking the same initiatives outlined above.

Settlement services to refugee claimants

Resolution number

There is a need to share information on services for refugee claimants and to explore how the work can be improved and better communication networks established across the country;

Therefore be it resolved

That the Executive of the CCR give priority consideration to establishing an ad hoc joint committee (Settlement/Protection) to deal with the issues of services to refugee claimants.

Gender analysis

Resolution number
  1. In many areas immigration policy affects men and women differently;
  2. There is no central coordination of gender analysis within the Immigration Department;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call on CIC to establish a gender policy advisor.


Canadian passports

Resolution number
  1. All Canadian passport holders are equal regardless of country of origin;
  2. Canadian passport and travel document holders have suffered violations of their human rights by foreign governments at foreign ports of entry on the basis of their country of origin;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR call upon the Canadian government to ensure that foreign governments treat all Canadian citizens equally.