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Immigration and Settlement

Contracting relationship between CIC and settlement agencies

Resolution number
  1. The CCR notes with concern the deteriorating relationship between settlement agencies and CIC in some regions, brought about by micro-management;
  2. Settlement agencies are professional social services agencies dedicated to helping clients settle in Canada;
  3. Settlement agencies are committed to being accountable for funds;
Therefore be it resolved


  1. The CCR urge CIC to review, in consultation with settlement agencies, the manner in which CIC contracts with agencies. The objective of this review is to establish accountability measures which promote the best possible services for clients and efficient, effective agency management;
  2. The review address, inter alia, the following specific issues occurring in some regions:

    (a) the independence of agencies and the fact that they are already subject to annual external audits;

    (b) the importance of client confidentiality;

    (c) the fact that rigid enforcement of ISAP eligibility rules undermines the ability of agencies to offer services in a welcoming and client centered manner (noting that CCR has resolved in November 1995 that services should be available on the basis of need);

    (d) the necessity of agencies to respect employment standards and human rights legislation as employers (particularly with regards to cuts which lead to layoffs and the practice of forcing agencies to lay off, on the basis of national origin, settlement workers, many of whom serve diverse clienteles);

    (e) the provision of reasonable and consistent administrative and overhead costs and the practice of insisting that agencies subsidize ISAP services through private fund-raising and funds from other institutional funders (an unrealistic maximum of 15% administrative costs is set in some regions);

    (f) the need for a reasonable balance between CIC's obligation to monitor funds, the administrative burden of reporting and the usefulness of information to be collected;

    (g) the use of three month contracts with long established partners, making it impossible to plan services, rent facilities and manage staff and causing agencies to devote a disproportionate amount of time to contract negotiation.

CIC eligibility criteria vis-à-vis refugee claimants

Resolution number
  1. Manitoba and British Columbia have recognized refugee claimants as legitimate recipients of settlement services;
  2. The CCR believes it is necessary to provide services to all newcomers to Canada, including refugee claimants;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR urge that:

  1. Refugee claimants be included in any and all funding formulas as legitimate recipients of settlement services throughout Canada;
  2. Additional funds be made available for settlement agencies to provide appropriate levels of services to this client group;
  3. The provinces that receive fewer numbers of refugee claimants not be financially penalized by this reality.

National settlement service standards

Resolution number
  1. The CCR has supported, in principle, the development of national settlement service standards as stated in the National Principles for settlement services (see Res. 2, Nov. 95, Res. 4, Jun. 96, and Res. 4, Nov. 96);
  2. The creation of a national settlement service standards steering committee during the November 1998 CCR conference has provided a mechanism to develop these standards and a draft framework and development strategy were presented during the May 1999 CCR conference;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR support the draft national settlement service standards framework and adopt the proposed development strategy.



Resolution number
  1. There is a national crisis of homelessness and lack of affordable housing;
  2. Immigrants, refugees and visible minorities face significant racism in the private housing market;
  3. In some large cities in Canada, newcomers make up a large portion of the shelter population;
  4. We deplore the "passing of the buck" by which different levels of government deny that newcomers' housing issues are their responsibility;
  5. Across the country income assistance rates are unrealistic in light of housing costs;
  6. There are many problems in accessing income support services across the country;
  7. We applaud the new southern Ontario project of issuing ID to assist claimants at port of entries in accessing services;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR:

  1. Write to the Federal Coordinator on Homelessness urging her to pay particular attention to the challenges facing homeless newcomers and especially newcomer families;
  2. Communicate with the Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada and join with them in calling on the federal and provincial governments to immediately start increasing the supply of social housing;
  3. Write to CIC urging that as part of the national strategy on homelessness:
    a) They implement information referral services at ports of entry to ensure that refugee claimants are not entering the homeless shelter system without appropriate resources to access the system and to ensure that a claimant's early months in Canada are the least traumatic possible and to ensure that they have an appropriate place to go when they leave the port of entry;
    b) They extend eligibility for ISAP services to refugee claimants;
  4. Write to provincial governments urging them to raise social assistance rates.


Resolution number

there are differences in the delivery of Settlement and language services in small communities (i.e. limited access to services, multi-level language classes, child care, transportation support) due to immigration patterns as well as regional disparities;

Therefore be it resolved

That CCR write to CIC to stress that:

  1. Services in small communities in Ontario should be based on regional realities of the province and should reflect the equality of services right across the regions of Ontario;
  2. Current LINC contracts be reviewed and evaluated in the light of de-committals;
  3. NGOs in rural areas be given special consideration to deliver high quality and equitable services;
  4. The criteria for the renewal of LINC contracts be based on clear pre-established criteria, not arbitrary criteria introduced after contracts are signed;
  5. CIC immediately begin a consultation discussion with community stakeholders before de-committals are implemented.

Funding settlement services

Resolution number
  1. Immigrants and refugees come to Canada with a wealth of experience and education;
  2. Recent studies have shown that it is taking longer for new arrivals to "catch up" to Canadian born individuals;
  3. There is a federal budget surplus;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR write to the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance asking them to raise their level of investment in settlement services with the intention of raising the investment up to a level comparable to other support services.


Funding formula

Resolution number
  1. CIC has developed and begun the implementation of a new National Funding Formula for the allocation of settlement funding to each province;
  2. The consequences of the implementation has brought to light marked reductions in settlement funds for some provinces most notably Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan;
  3. The numbers of newcomers fluctuates each year, and the provision of service lasts for many years;
  4. These reductions will seriously damage the structural integrity and delivery capability of agencies in affected provinces, putting many below threshold operating levels;
Therefore be it resolved

That CIC be requested to re-evaluate the reductions targeted for various provinces, specifically Nova Scotia and Saskatchewan, taking into consideration the consequences of such reductions.

Volunteer work

Resolution number
  1. All levels of government and other funding organizations recognize and actively promote the benefits of volunteering to the community at large and to the individual volunteers;
  2. Refugees look to volunteer work to gain Canadian experience and to reduce social isolation;
  3. In Ontario refugees are required to do volunteer work in order to receive social assistance ("workfare program");
  4. CIC BC Region has issued a communiqué fact sheet to inform the voluntary sector that volunteerism is a form of work and as such requires an employment authorization prior to participation in volunteer work;
  5. There are similar problems arising in other provinces across Canada;
  6. This puts an undue obligation on the voluntary sector organizations to monitor and police this requirement and inhibits refugees from active participation in the community during the initial settlement period;
Therefore be it resolved

That the CCR request that CIC not interpret volunteer work as requiring an employment authorization.

Settlement standards framework

Resolution number
  1. A resolution was passed in May 1999 relating to the development of National Settlement Standards through a process presented by a Settlement Standards Steering Committee;
  2. This process has led to the development of the National Settlement Service Standards Framework document presented in Vancouver (spring 2000);
Therefore be it resolved

That this National Settlement Service Standards Framework be adopted in principle and that the Steering Committee present an implementation strategy at the fall 2000 consultation.


Combating homophobia and heterosexism

Resolution number
  1. The CCR membership has acknowledged the negative impact of homophobia and heterosexism within our sector and membership;
  2. Current settlement standards do not explicitly reflect the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ) refugees and immigrants;
  3. There is an apparent lack of commitment to training and education on these issues;
  4. There are serious concerns about the refusal rates of refugee claims based on sexual orientation;
Therefore be it resolved

That a task group be struck by the CCR to:

  1. Facilitate information-sharing on pro LGBTQ practices and policies within the immigration and refugee sector;
  2. Suggest amendments to existing settlement standards to include LGBTQ issues;
  3. Urge CCR members to implement mandatory training and education within their agencies on unlearning homophobia and heterosexism;
  4. Gather evidence about the refusal rate, processes and practices of the IRB in relation to claims based on sexual orientation.