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CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 1
    1. The gap between rich and poor in Canada is widening generally, and disproportionately impacts racialized group members;
    2. Inequalities with respect to economic status, health, learning outcomes and more are deep and persistent among members of racialized groups;
    3. These are products of structural and systemic racism and exclusion;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on all levels of government in Canada to:

    1. Work to expand fair access to institutions and opportunities;
    2. Promote economic equity and justice;
    3. Seek investments in opportunity and advancement;
    4. Work to ensure that racial equity and racial justice efforts are adequately funded and effectively resourced.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Permanent residence applications are often refused by IRCC for reasons of medical inadmissibility;
    2. Those refused include applicants with family members with disabilities;
    3. A disability is not a health condition,
    4.  A disability is one of the grounds with Charter protection; 
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Take the position that people with disabilities should not be inadmissible for health grounds;
    2. Call upon IRCC to review Section 38 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and the procedures and guidelines of medical inadmissibility for discriminatory content against persons with disabilities.
  • Res.: 1
    1. Newcomers to Canada like all Canadian residents are treaty peoples;
    2. The federal, provincial and territorial governments have a responsibility to make newcomers aware of treaties and the history of residential schools, and support their full participation as treaty peoples;
    3. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada issued 94 Calls to Action to federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal governments in its final report in December;
    4. TRC Calls to Action #93 and #94 specifically charge the federal government with providing a “more inclusive history of diverse Aboriginal peoples in Canada, including information about the Treaties and history of residential schools” and revising the Citizenship Oath to include swearing to “faithfully observe the laws of Canada including Treaties with Indigenous Peoples”;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Call on federal, provincial and territorial governments to:
      1. Move quickly to allow newcomers to understand and affirm the treaty relationship by implementing Calls to Action #93 and #94;
      2. Develop strategies in consultation with Aboriginal governments to ensure their implementation, and provide resources‎;  
    2. Call on federal, provincial, territorial and Aboriginal governments to implement in a timely manner all the other TRC Calls to Action 
  • Res.: 3
    1. Claimants have been deported while waiting for decisions from the Federal Court;
    2. Claimants were deported who subsequently become eligible for an appeal at the RAD;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate that those deported claimants that have subsequently been referred back to the RPD by the Federal Court or the RAD be brought back to Canada for re-examination by the RPD.

  • Res.: 1
    1. CBSA has acknowledged that it has provided recommendations to airlines that have resulted in the refusal to allow persons in Hungary to board flights to Canada on the alleged grounds of not possessing proper documentation to enter Canada;
    2. Hungary is a visa exempt country and the passengers in question possessed valid passports and no actual deficiency in their documents has been reported;
    3. The logical conclusion is that CBSA officials advised the airline that the persons in question were lying about their intentions to visit Canada temporarily, and were hiding an intention to remain permanently in Canada;
    4. CBSA’s recommendation was apparently based on the persons’ Roma ethnicity, which constitutes the use of racial profiling to prevent persons who have proper documentation from visiting Canada;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that CCR advocate that CBSA stop recommending to airlines that passengers who possess proper documentation be prevented from boarding planes to Canada.

  • Res.: 4
    1. Social media (including Facebook) are increasingly being used by CBSA and IRCC to investigate foreign nationals and/or permanent residents;
    2. There are serious concerns about how social media is used by these agencies.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate with CBSA and IRCC to develop appropriate policy in collaboration with the CCR about the use of social media and to make these policies available to the public.

  • Res.: 2

    A large number of Hungarian Roma have been so poorly represented by their lawyers that the law society sanctioned the lawyers;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate that the refused claimants who were represented by these lawyers sanctioned by the Law Society be allowed to return to Canada with full access to the RAD.

  • Res.: 1
    1. Islamophobia and racist discrimination that disproportionately target newcomer youth are growing;
    2. This discrimination is being amplified by new and existing federal legislation; 
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR:

    1. Calls on the federal  and provincial governments to increase funding for newcomer youth services, and where applicable reverse recent funding cuts to these areas;
    2. Recognizes and promotes to member organizations youth engagement and youth-led programming, including by holding regular youth-directed information sessions and workshops to identify emerging issues and appropriate responses.
    3. Encourages members to respond to potentially harmful legislation and draw attention to the particular impacts on youth.
  • Res.: 5
    1. The General Conference of the International Labour Organization (ILO) adopted a new protocol to the Forced Labour Convention in June 2014 in order to address gaps in the implementation of the Convention, and to protect vulnerable workers from abuse;
    2. Canadian labour laws fail to adequately protect migrant workers, leaving them at risk of abuse, conditions of forced or compulsory labour, exploitation and human trafficking; this is a growing yet preventable problem;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call upon the government of Canada to ratify the 2014 Protocol to the Forced Labour Convention, and to implement all of its provisions.

  • Res.: 3
    1. In Canada, some workers are excluded from labour protections such as labour standards and workers compensation, health and safety protections and effective anti-reprisals protections, based on their immigration status;
    2. Some jurisdictions in Canada explicitly exclude categories of workers such as domestic workers and agricultural workers, who are disproportionately migrant workers; 
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate that all workers regardless of status in Canada and of type of work have access to the full range of labour rights and protections, including provincial labour and employment standards, health and safety standards, and workers compensation.

  • Res.: 1
    1. The rampant expansion and continuous demand for the low-skilled (now low-wage) streams of the Temporary Foreign Workers Program (TFWP) make it clear that the labour shortages being filled are long-term and not temporary;
    2. The 2011 rule limiting migrant workers in the low-wage stream of the TFWP (previously known as the low-skilled pilot project) to four years of work in Canada, was intended to reinforce the temporary nature of the program, despite the continuing nature of the demand;
    3. The above time limits, which only apply to workers in the low-wage stream, exacerbate existing vulnerabilities;
    4. Canada’s traditional immigration approach was focused on nation-building through permanent immigration that met the broad range of labour needs across the Canadian economy; all workers were part of the national project;
    5. Canada’s shift towards temporary labour migration promotes a two-tiered, stratified society;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call for Canada’s economic immigration program to be expanded to reflect the broad social, cultural, linguistic and environmental needs of the Canadian labour market by including workers of all skill levels.

  • Res.: 6
    1. Gender identity is a fluid concept;
    2. Refugees may be persecuted because of their gender identity;
    3. Migrants’ gender identity may change before and after they arrive in Canada;
    4. Trans newcomers to Canada experience barriers in obtaining government documents which reflect their gender identity;
    5. CIC policies state that its documents cannot be changed to reflect persons’ lived gender identity;
    6. Provincial and Territorial Human Rights Codes protect the right to gender identity and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms prohibits discrimination; 
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR demand amendments to CIC policies such that immigration and citizenship documents reflect the gender of persons as they identify.

  • Res.: 4
    1. The CCR is committed to ensuring protection for all persons experiencing gender based violence;
    2. There are more than 1,000 missing and murdered First Nations, Inuit and Metis women and girls;
    3. First Nations, Inuit and Metis women and girls experience high levels of violence throughout Canada;
    4. The affected communities are calling for a national inquiry;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on the Canadian government to:

    1. Commit to and implement a National Action Plan that addresses the discrimination and inequalities facing Aboriginal women and girls.
    2. Establish a national inquiry to ensure this action plan is well informed and accountable.
  • Res.: 2
    1. The freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining are internationally recognized as fundamental principles and rights in the workplace;
    2. Some jurisdictions in Canada effectively prevent workers from unionizing or collectively bargaining based on their immigration status or sector of employment;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate that all workers, regardless of sector of employment or immigration status in Canada, have the right to unionize and to bargain collectively.

  • Res.: 2

    Citizenship is fundamental to who we are as a country;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR take the position that citizenship laws and policies must:

    1. Respect the principle that all citizens are equal.
    2. Embrace newcomers and encourage them to quickly become full participating members of our society.
    3. Recognize the barriers that some newcomers face to full participation, including the particular barriers faced by refugees who have suffered persecution and long years of deprivation.
    4. Respect the principle that citizenship is a status from which rights derive, and is thus similar to our status as human beings. It is not something that can be lost through behaviour.
    5. Have clear and transparent criteria about acquisition and loss of citizenship.
    6. Ensure that individuals have access to a fair hearing before an independent decision-maker, with the right of appeal. Decisions should not be made on a discretionary basis by the Minister.
  • Res.: 1
    1. The CCR resolved in November 2013 to honour all the Treaties upon which this country is founded and which bind all of us as treaty peoples;
    2. Newcomers to Canada enter into that treaty relationship when they become resident in this country;
    3. The State does not make newcomers aware of their treaty responsibilities;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on the government of Canada to redress this gap by ensuring newcomers are made aware of their role and responsibilities as treaty peoples by using vehicles, such as:

    • a mandatory component of the LINC/CLIC curriculum;
    • comprehensive treaty information in the newcomers guide by CIC, “Welcome to Canada: What you should know”;
    • comprehensive treaty information in the citizenship study guide by CIC, “Discover Canada: The rights and responsibilities of citizenship”;
    • amending the Canadian citizenship oath to include commitment to uphold treaties with First Peoples.
  • Res.: 3
    1. CIC stops processing a permanent resident application upon the death of the applicant, and stops processing a sponsorship application upon the death of the sponsor;
    2. Stopping the process affects family members who are included as dependants in the application;
    3. Canada has an obligation to consider the best interests of affected children and act in accordance with humanitarian and compassionate principles.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on CIC, in the case of the death of the sponsor or principal applicant, to ensure that:

    1. The permanent residence application is processed to completion taking into account the best interests of the child and other humanitarian and compassionate considerations.
    2. If the persons concerned are in Canada this processing be completed prior to potential removal.
  • Res.: 1
    1. Canada as a nation has yet to fully respect the Indigenous nations and honour their inherent rights as acknowledged by the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and provided for by the many subsequent Treaties.
    2. Injustices and harms have been – and continue to be – perpetrated upon Indigenous peoples as a result of the colonization of the First Peoples and the racist policies of the governments in Canada.
    3. Despite Canada's economic prosperity, First Peoples continue to experience a disproportionate level of poverty and related disparities as compared to the rest of the population.
    4. As Treaty peoples, we share a vision for Canada which promises fairness, respect, justice, equality and prosperity for everyone on these lands and territories.
    5. We believe that the first critical step towards realizing that vision is the rebuilding and renewing of the relationships between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples of Canada through a process of reconciliation that fully honours our respective roles as Treaty peoples.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR honour all the Treaties upon which this country is founded and which bind all of us as Treaty peoples.

  • Res.: 4
    1. For refugees from countries such as Syria and Afghanistan, and urban refugees in many countries, there is no possibility of receiving timely or any refugee status determination by UNHCR or a host country.
    2. The requirement of host country or UNHCR recognition as refugees in order to be considered as eligible for sponsorship by a Group of 5 or by a Community Sponsor is a de facto limit on the Private Sponsorship of Refugees program that discriminates against refugees who do not have timely or any access to status determination.
    3. The CCR has adopted many resolutions over the years in support of non-discrimination in access to refugee resettlement and of family reunification.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call upon the government to remove the requirement of refugee status determination for G-5 and Community Sponsors.

  • Res.: 2
    1. Family  reunification is a central objective of the immigration programs of Canada and Quebec;
    2. Canada has signed and ratified international conventions which affirm the principle of family unity and that the family is entitled to protection by society and the state;
    3. These positions are affirmed in CCR’s Family reunification Resolution of June 1997, Increased commitment to family reunification Resolution of November 2011 and several other CCR resolutions;
    4. Proof of minimum income requirement is already exempted for certain family members such as spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR call on the governments of Canada and Quebec to abolish the minimum income requirement for all classes of family class sponsorship.

  • Res.: 1
    1. The Department of Citizenship and Immigration has outlined forthcoming changes to Canada’s Refugee Resettlement Program that use both protection and immigration criteria and, among other changes, call for a limiting of the numbers of refugees resettled who have high needs for services and support to achieve integration; furthermore these changes will unfairly disadvantage women refugees, the elderly and other vulnerable groups;
    2. The changes include criteria for selection based on Canada’s foreign or economic interests and ministerial interests;
    3. Recent changes to Canada’s Immigration Program will ensure that more immigrants will arrive with skills and expertise that will reduce the needs for settlement and integration services and supports;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate that:

    1. Resettlement of refugees is first and foremost a tool of protection which must be the main motivation for Canada’s refugee resettlement program;
    2. Foreign policy interests and other political or economic interests have no place in a humanitarian program;
    3. The criteria defining the ability to successfully establish in Canada have no place in an humanitarian program that focuses on protection and should be eliminated entirely from the Refugee Resettlement Regulations;
    4. Federal and provincial governments increase resources for programs and services to facilitate better integration outcomes especially when the refugee has high needs and may require different levels of support over a longer period of time.
  • Res.: 2

    The Government of Canada is proposing to reduce the maximum age of dependants in the Immigration and Refuge Protection Regulations from under 22 years of age to under 19 years of age;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR advocate that the criteria of dependency for children remain as they currently appear in the regulations (age under 22 years, full-time students and children with a disability).

  • Res.: 3

    CCR has numerous resolutions on refugee resettlement targets and levels, including Resolution 14 of November 2003 on “Refugee Resettlement Targets”;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR urge the Government of Canada to resettle annually a minimum of 10% of the refugees resettled globally. 

  • Res.: 1
    1. The CCR’s 2003 resolution calls on its members to sensitize themselves on the issues facing First Nations communities and explore ways of having meaningful dialogue with these communities;
    2. The CCR needs to further this position by taking concrete action to strengthen relationships with indigenous communities;
    3. The CCR also must incorporate awareness of the history and present realities of indigenous peoples in our activities and our work;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR Consultation and summer and winter Working Group meetings acknowledge the Indigenous territory on which they take place, and where appropriate invite and involve indigenous community members.

  • Res.: 2
    1. It has become clear over the last decades that many corporations are complicit in human rights violations that contribute to forced displacement;
    2. Many governments increasingly support these corporate activities through their economic development policies, further undermining protection of vulnerable populations;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    that the CCR oppose corporate activities that contribute, directly or indirectly, to forced displacement.