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CCR Resolutions Database
- Res.: 3Whereas:
- The current Resettlement Assistance Program provides 1 year financial support to regular Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) and 2 years support for refugees under Joint Assistance Sponsorship;
- A significant percentage of refugees arriving under the regular GAR stream are special needs cases;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call upon CIC and the Québec government to establish a new GAR stream that would provide 2 year financial support to regular GARs with longer-term integration issues: medical problems, single mothers, those with little or no education. The other 2 streams would remain as is.
- Res.: 8Whereas:
- Nearly 7 million out of the 11 million worldwide refugee population have been “warehoused” – confined to camps or segregated settlements or otherwise deprived of basic rights – in situations lasting indefinitely;
- Refugee protection is an international responsibility;
- There are proposals for a future EXCOM resolution on self-reliance;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Advocate that the future conclusion of UNHCR Executive Committee on “self-reliance” be broadly stated to include such activities as the right to work, practice professions, run businesses, own property, move freely and choose their place for residence and have travel documents.
- Advocate that the future conclusion on self-reliance affirm that such rights are integral to UNHCR’s protection mandate.
- Advocate that CIDA integrate refugee rights to self-reliance activities into its aid and development programs.
- Res.: 1Whereas:
- The CCR has been discussing issues of homophobia and heterosexism since 1996
- A resolution was adopted in 2004 to develop a policy;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Accept the Draft Preamble and Application of the Policy, as amended, for full implementation;
- Commit to maintaining public education within its membership;
- Compile a Glossary of Terms.
- Res.: 6Whereas:
- The Canadian government denies seasonal agricultural workers and foreign temporary workers the right to apply for permanent residence status through these programs;
- This right is available through the live-in caregiver program;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR demand:
- Access to secure permanent resident status for these workers and their families.
- Improved working and housing conditions for these workers.
- That provincial governments enforce the rights guaranteed to migrant workers under provincial employment and human right laws, rather than abdicating this responsibility to foreign governments.
- Res.: 11Whereas:
- Section 25(1) of IRPA grants the Minister broad discretionary authority to exempt an inadmissible person from any provisions of the Act or Regulations, if there are humanitarian and compassionate reasons for doing so;
- The Regulations severely restrict this broad discretionary authority by requiring persons who are approved in principle for landing on H&C grounds to meet all admissibility requirements in order to be landed, including medical admissibility;
- A person who receives a positive H&C decision and who is found medically inadmissible is refused landing and may face removal from Canada to a place where their life is at risk, or, if granted a temporary resident permit (TRP) for three years, may then be denied provincial health insurance coverage during the three year TRP period and thus face a risk to their life due to inability to access adequate medical care in Canada;
- Applying the criterion of medical inadmissibility to a person who has been granted approval in principle on H&C grounds constitutes discrimination contrary to section 15 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is an improper fettering of the Minister’s discretion under section 25(1) of IRPA;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request an amendment to the Regulations requiring that a person who is granted approval in principle for landing on H&C grounds be exempt from medical admissibility criteria and be landed without delay.
- Res.: 4Whereas:
Refugees and immigrants on minimum wage are forced to live in poverty;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call on the federal government in all of its contracts to ensure a living wage that at least meets the low income cut-off (LICO) or 60% of the average industrial wage, whichever is higher.
- Res.: 9Whereas:
- Human rights violations in Haiti have been described as catastrophic by UNHCR officials;
- Many persons are unable to escape Haiti in order to seek protection as refugees;
- There are very limited options for protection in the region;
- The situation calls for a comprehensive regional protection plan;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Advocate for the addition of Haiti to Canada’s Source Country Resettlement Program.
- Urge the Canadian government and the UNHCR to find protection solutions for Haitians, both refugees and those internally displaced, including resettlement to Canada of vulnerable persons.
- Join with NGOs in the USA and elsewhere in the Americas seeking a comprehensive solution to the protection needs of Haitians, both IDPs and refugees.
- Res.: 7Whereas:
- The UNHCR has demonstrated a keen interest in enhancing the role of NGOs in refugee resettlement, in particular in group processing initiatives;
- The 2003-2004 Group Processing Initiative, that is currently under evaluation by CIC, reveals some areas for improvement that may be addressed in part by NGO participation;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Request CIC to consult with partners and stakeholders on the benefits of including NGO personnel in all phases of group resettlement initiatives from identification and referral to post-arrival settlement;
- Encourage CIC to invite CCR (SAHs and settlement agencies) to pilot the inclusion of NGO personnel in forthcoming group processing initiatives in the field;
- Urge CIC to ensure that the CCR (SAHs and settlement agencies) and community partners in destination communities have sufficient, timely information to identify gaps and challenges and to plan how they will meet those needs, including by CIC placing Canadia NGO personnel in the countries of asylum in order to establish effective, timely linkages between the asylum countries and destining communities.
- Res.: 12Whereas:
- IRPA Regulation 117(9)(d) provides for a lifetime exclusion from sponsoring a family member, with no discretion to consider an explanation, however compelling, or to impose a lesser period of exclusion;
- Ina significant number of cases, there has been no intention to misrepresent and, in other cases, there are mitigating circumstances that may constitute justification;
- The application of this article is having an extremely detrimental impact on many innocent children, in violation of Canada’s obligations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child to take into account the “best interests of the child” concerned in any decision of a public body;
- IRPA provides for a general inadmissibility of two years in cases of misrepresentation and officers have considerable discretion as to whether even that inadmissibility should be imposed;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call for IRPA Reg. 117(9)(d) to be rescinded. Officers should be required to consider all the facts of the case, including intention and any mitigating circumstances, in deciding whether to impose an exclusion, which should in no case exceed the two years provided for generally under IRPA.
- Res.: 5Whereas:
- The Government of Québec is obliged by the Canada-Québec Accord to offer settlement and integration services that correspond overall to those offered elsewhere in Canada;
- The financial compensation from the federal government provided for in the Accord will go in 2005-2006 from $160 million to $180 million;
- The Government of Québec is refusing to account for the amounts received from the federal government;
- Le ministère de l’Immigration et des Communautés culturelles du Québec (MICC) has decided to abolish the Québec twinning program by eliminating the specific funding for the twinning (Host) activities of settlement and integration organizations;
- The twinning program is the only settlement and integration program that directly involves the host society;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Send a joint letter to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration and to the Minister of Immigration and Cultural Communities informing them that settlement and integration organizations in Canada are concerned about the decision of the Government of Québec to no longer provide specific support for twinning activities for newcomers as is done elsewhere in Canada;
- Ask the Joint Committee with responsibility for the implementation of and follow up to the Accord to create a temporary committee to evaluate this loss of experience and of service for newcomers to Québec;
- Ask for a public accounting by the Government of Canada and the Government of Québec for the amounts spent since 2000 as part of the financial compensation transferred each year by the federal government to Quebec pour settlement and integration services for newcomers;
- As the Government of Québec to report on the allocation of the additional$20 million that it will receive from the federal government this year for services to newcomers.
- Res.: 10Whereas:
- There are 22 Uighurs, Chinese nationals, being detained by the USA in Guantanamo Bay since their arrest in Afghanistan following the events of September11, 2001;
- The USA has determined that these Uighurs do not pose a threat to national security but is considering refoulement back to China where they will face persecution and torture at the hands of the regime that views them as terrorist activists advocating separation of their homeland;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Urge the UNHCR to publicly demand that the Uighurs are not refouled to China;
- Urge the UNHCR to intervene to seek a durable solution for these Uighurs as a means for their protection including to facilitate the resettlement of the Uighurs to the USA, where US nationals of Uighur heritage have offered to assist in their settlement, and/or resettlement to other countries as a means for their protection from refoulement or continued detention at Guantanamo;
- Use its opportunities at meetings with Canadian government officials and the UNHCR and at international fora to further the protection and achievement of a durable solution for the Uighurs currently held in Guantanamo.
- Res.: 3Whereas:
- The Refugee Assistance Program (RAP) is responsible for the provision of settlement services and income support for refugees deemed in need of protection by the Government of Canada;
- The provision of these RAP services has been contracted to voluntary sector organizations;
- The budget for the RAP program has not been increased since 1998;
- The voluntary agencies across Canada have now reached a crisis point in their financial viability to be able to deliver services to government sponsored refugees;
- The recent budget announcement of an additional $298 million dollars for settlement service for the Department of Citizenship and Immigration provides not one cent in additional funding for RAP services for government sponsored refugees;
- Senior department officials have recognized the critical nature of the situation but have been unable to effect any significant change;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR urgently request a meeting between RAP agency representatives and the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to consider the financial “melt down” facing the voluntary agencies delivering RAP services and the lack of adequate income support for RAP clients and ensure the allocation of sufficient funds to avert a crisis.
- Res.: 8Whereas:
- There are many Iraqis in European countries who have been refused refugee status by these countries,
- A number of these people have no durable solution in these European countries and have family members in Canada who have been accepted by Canada under the Convention Refugee or Country of Asylum Class,
- These people will be deported to Iraq as soon as the host countries consider it safe,
- These people no longer have family or homes in Iraq,
- The assisted relative program and last remaining member of the family programs no longer exist,
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR strongly urge Citizenship and Immigration Canada to develop a humanitarian and compassionate mechanism to allow these families to be reunited with family members in Canada.
- Res.: 13Whereas:
- Protected Persons require Protected Persons Status documents to apply for Canada Student Loans and for Canadian refugee travel documents;
- Some Protected Persons, particularly those with landing delays (for whatever reason),are issued Protected Persons Status documents with a validity of six months;
- The six month limit prevents both acquisition of loans and the ability to travel outside of Canada:
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request that Citizenship and Immigration Canada adopt as policy that all Protected Persons Status documents have a validity for a minimum of two years.
- Res.: 1Whereas:
- The settlement service system is currently mandated to provide language training for certain classes of newcomers to Canada;
- Language training in the form of sign language training is not consistently provided across the country;
- Those who are hearing impaired also have a right to language training;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR communicate with CIC, Manitoba, BC and Québec requesting that they ensure that sign language training and services are available for all hearing impaired persons who qualify for language training.
- Res.: 6Whereas:
- It is the intention of the Atlantic provincial and municipal governments to attract and encourage immigrants and refugees to move to and remain in the region;
- There is already a deficiency of educational resources available;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR advocate on behalf of the Atlantic Region for the required resources to support the educational needs of newcomer youth.
- Res.: 11Whereas:
- Current limits on the numbers of immigrants and refugees who can come to Canada each year and the unequal division of these numbers between economic and humanitarian classes of immigrants have resulted in long waiting periods for the re-unification of families and the admission of sponsored refugees;
- The limits on and division of immigrant and refugee numbers appear to be arbitrary and to have been set without public consultation;
- It is widely recognized that family reunification is taking too long and the delays in the processing are causing great hardship;
- The group with the most pressing need for family re-unification is refugees;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call upon the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to:
- Commit to an increase in immigration levels.
- Commit to a full and transparent review of immigration levels which review will have a meaningful consultation with NGO stakeholders at all stages of review. Among the topics which should be examined in the review are the benefits of increasing the number of immigrants and refugees admitted to Canada each year; and whether the division of admissions between economic and humanitarian classes is fair or necessary.
- Pending the review of immigration levels, increase the number of persons admitted to Canada each year by a sufficient number to allow for overseas family members included in inland applicants to be admitted immediately for processing in Canada.
- Res.: 4Whereas:
The Settlement Allocation Model has proven problematic with regards to smaller centres with high proportions of refugees, and centres receiving substantial secondary migration, and grossly inequitable for larger centres;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Communicate with CIC requesting that new funding for the settlement sector be allocated on the basis of the following principles:
a)that small centres, particularly those with a high proportion of refugees to their total immigration, receive sufficient funding to maintain the capacity to meet the demand;
b)centres experiencing substantial secondary migration arrivals need to receive sufficient funding to meet the resulting service demands;
c)that the current 2-tiered (large region/small region) model be discontinued. - Request an opportunity to hold consultations between CIC and the sector with regards to reforming/replacing the Settlement Allocation Model.
- Communicate with CIC requesting that new funding for the settlement sector be allocated on the basis of the following principles:
- Res.: 9Whereas:
- Article 31 of the 1951 Refugee Convention exempts refugees from being punished because of their illegal entry or presence;
- UNHCR’s Revised Guidelines on the Detention of Asylum Seekers states that “[a]s a general rule, asylum seekers should not be detained”, and that “the use of detention, in many instances, is contrary to the norms and principles of international law.”
- There are 68 refugee claimants from Ethiopia and Eritrea who are detained in Israel for prolonged periods amounting to 18 months and without obtaining adequate assistance from any party except for the African Refugees Development Centre(ARDC);
- The detention practices are inconsistent with established human rights standards;
- The Israeli authorities, after long discussion and debate, have agreed to release these detainees on an estimated bail of between $8,500-10,000 CAD for two months if there is tangible evidence of a sponsorship application to Canada and for 12months if an invitation for an interview at the Canadian Embassy is extended;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR:
- Urge the UNHCR to demand compliance that Israel comply with the 1951Convention and the 1967Protocol, and adhere to UNHCR’s standards on detention regarding refugees.
- Urge the UNHCR to intervene in accordance with the above-mentioned UNHCR Guidelines on the Detention of Asylum Seekers so that the illegally detained refugees are released and obtain fair procedures for timely review.
- Urge CIC to request its visa post in Tel Aviv to fulfill the following:
a)process each application and make determination in a fair manner consistent with the IRPA guidelines;
b)process the private sponsorship of these refugees in an expedited and consistent manner. - Work with the African Refugees Development Center (ARDC) on all issues regarding African refugees and asylum seekers residing in Israel with an intention/process to immigrate/resettle in Canada.
- Res.: 14Whereas:
- The IRB will not conduct any refugee determination hearings until claimants have received security clearances;
- IRPA requires that hearings be held expeditiously;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request the IRB to set a strict 6 month time limit for delaying a hearing to allow for the security clearance, so that refugee claimants who are ready to proceed can have their hearings in a timely manner as required by IRPA.
- Res.: 2Whereas:
- CIC has devolved settlement responsibilities to some provinces and is in negotiations to do so with others;
- CIC has a responsibility to ensure comparable and accountable services to all immigrants and refugees across the country;
- BC has moved in policy and management directions quite distinct from CIC’s;
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR work strategically to ensure that CIC exercises its responsibility in ensuring comparable and accountable services across the country, with particular reference to provinces where devolution agreements exist.
- Res.: 3Whereas:
- CIC changes the terms and conditions of temporary work permit programs every year;
- This information is not made available to NGOs or others that try to assist individuals on temporary work permits.
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR demand that CIC to make any change in terms and conditions publicly available as soon as such changes are made.
- Res.: 8Whereas:
- UNHCR’s stated mandate is to facilitate and support the voluntary repatriation of refugees in safety and dignity to their home countries when conditions within the country are sufficiently stable to sustain their return.
- The international community has strong interest involuntary repatriation as a durable solution for refugees
- The international community are donors of UNHCR and financially support its efforts.
- The levels of support to sustain persons during their repatriation process are grossly inadequate and do not provide the means forre-establishment. This is the situation for Sierra Leoneans currently repatriating.
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR request the government of Canada to work with the UNHCR and other countries to increase the levels of support and security given to refugees repatriating through UNHCR initiatives.
- Res.: 13Whereas:
children of many refugee claimants, failed refugee claimants and children who are themselves refugee claimants or failed refugee claimants are unable to attend post secondary educational institutions while they or their parent(s) are awaiting a decision on an application to CIC due to the high cost of that education. These children are considered international students.
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR call on the Governments of Canada and the Provinces to permit children of refugee claimants, failed refugee claimants and children who are themselves refugee claimants or failed refugee claimants awaiting decisions on applications to CIC and who are not removable, to attend Canadian schools and post secondary educational institutions at the same fees and requirements as Canadian residents.
- Res.: 1Whereas:
- Government Assisted Refugees (GARs) represent one of the most important mechanisms for Canada to protect those refugees in need of protection;
- In recent years CIC has been selecting GARs on the basis of need rather than “ability to settle in Canada” which CCR warmly welcomes, which has resulted in increased demands on settlement agencies because of their very high needs;
- CIC has recently suggested that this increased demand on services can best be met by reducing the number of GARs.
Therefore be it resolved:That the CCR write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration underlining our commitment to Government Assisted Refugees, and the principle of selection based on need, and requesting that the number of GARs NOT be reduced under any circumstances.
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