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CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 19
    1. Palestinian refugee claimants from Lebanon have faced an inconsistent and uninformed decision making process which has resulted in the rejection of some deserving refugees claims.
    2. Registered and unregistered Palestinian refugees from Lebanon face systematic discrimination and human rights abuses.
    3. Palestinians may face persecution by non-state actors.
    4. The stateless Palestinian refugees in Lebanon, often in 56 year old refugee camps, are not accorded the host state’s protection, are denied any possibility of citizenship and receive no direct and inviolable international protection.
    5. Many of the Palestinian refugees from Lebanon have lived in Canada for over two years and in that time established themselves in Canadian society.  
    6. Resolution 12, Nov. 03 called for recourses in Canada for stateless persons.  
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Inform CIC of the well-documented evidence of systematic human rights violations, the recognition by certain IRB members of said violations as persecution and the inconsistent decision-making on Palestinian claims.
    2. Call on CIC to facilitate the H&C process, in light of the unique circumstances faced by stateless Palestinian refugees from Lebanon, to allow the refused refugee claimants to be granted permanent resident status in Canada.
    3. Call on CIC to collaborate with the Palestinian community in Canada to resolve the problems of ID requirements that may be faced by stateless Palestinian refugees.
  • Res.: 2
    1. Communities are seeing many incidents where sponsored refugees are leaving newborn children behind.
    2. Some children are dying as a result of these decisions.
    3. These decisions are being made based on information circulating in-country that reporting these newborns will result in their travel arrangements being cancelled.
    4. Information on how to report and procedures for reporting do not always reflect the context of refugee applicants regarding access.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC to:

    1. Develop a policy which clearly states that reporting newborn children will not jeopardize a family’s passage to Canada.
    2. Communicate this policy to all embassies and UNHCR requiring that this policy be broadcast throughout the refugee population.
    3. Distribute this policy to refugee support systems in Canada for dissemination in ethnocultural communities.
    4. Facilitate a variety of avenues in which to report newborn children and ensure that applicants receive such information.
  • Res.: 7
    1. National Settlement Sector occupational competencies do not exist.
    2. No certification/accreditation body presently regulates settlement as a profession.
    3. Professionals in this sector provide services at par with other social service providers.
    4. There is an increasing burden on Settlement Practitioners to provide varied and in-depth services meeting provincial/federal reporting, evaluation and accountability requirements.  
    5. CIC has promoted the notion of comparable services across provinces and regions.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR, in collaboration with other sector organizations, seek funding from appropriate sources and contingent upon securing appropriate resources, undertake a feasibility study on Professional Certification within the settlement sector.

  • Res.: 12
    1. UNHCR recognizes voluntary repatriation as one of the three durable solutions and thus actively promotes it when and where conditions permit.
    2. These conditions must be not merely transient but fundamental such as the restoration and rehabilitation of infrastructure, restitution of land and lost property, and all other factors which make voluntary repatriation sustainable.
    3. It is crucial that refugees, including refugee women, have a say in all decisions and activities that affect them, including decisions and activities on voluntary repatriation.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask the Government of Canada to urge UNHCR to insist as a matter of principle in its discussions and negotiations with host governments and governments of countries of origin that refugees, especially refugee women, be included as active partners in the negotiation, planning and implementation of all voluntary repatriation processes.

  • Res.: 17
    1. Everyone in Canada has a Charter right to freedom of religion and freedom of expression.
    2. Everyone in a state which has ratified the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights has an obligation to promote those rights.
    3. The Québec Charter of Rights and Freedoms places a duty on everyone to protect the life of another.
    4. The government of Canada has failed to implement the appeal on the merits for refugee claimants, depriving refused claimants of an important safeguard contained in the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act.
    5. The Canadian government has itself acknowledged problems with the refugee determination system, which it has claimed to have addressed with recent changes to the nomination process for IRB members and the introduction of regulations regarding immigration consultants.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Recognize that recourse to sanctuary may be necessary to protect asylum seekers whose lives or security would be jeopardized if removed from Canada.
    2. Deplore the recent, first-known, violation of sanctuary in Canada by police acting with force and in apparent close cooperation with CBSA and other government officials.
    3. When sanctuary is necessary, encourage those providing it to inform the CCR membership, so that members may assist in encouraging the government to reconsider the situation that leads to sanctuary.
    4. Take appropriate action to encourage the government to reconsider the situation that leads to sanctuary.
    5. Re-affirm the need for the implementation of the appeal on the merits for refused refugee claimants.
    6. Call upon the Canadian government to continue to respect the historic right of sanctuary.
  • Res.: 5
    1. CIC has recently recognized and supported the need for additional language training for skilled immigrants, as demonstrated by the Enhanced Language Training (ELT) funding.
    2. CIC has greatly increased the arrivals of high-needs, low Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)scoring government-assisted refugees (GARs).
    3. Research and experience clearly demonstrate that very low CLB literacy scoring newcomers require substantial additional instruction and support.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request CIC to:

    1. Increase the hours of LINC eligibility for low literacy clients.
    2. Provide additional supports for programming targeting such clients over and above standard ESL provisions in the same manner as that for skilled immigrants under the ELT stream.
  • Res.: 10
    1. There is a long, 2-3 year backlog of privately sponsored refugee applications.
    2. CCR adopted Res. 13, May 02 on long processing times.
    3. All government-assisted refugees (GARs) are now referred by the UNHCR (other than in source countries) and CCR has repeatedly been told that there are limited visa office resources.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC to simplify the overseas refugee determination process, and to eliminate the perennial backlog by not re-interviewing UNHCR referred GARs, and through temporary staff re-deployments.

  • Res.: 15
    1. Essential principles of access to refugee protection, due process, and fundamental justice are increasingly under attack in Canada and in other refugee-receiving countries.
    2. The government has indicated that it intends to reform the refugee determination process in Canada.
    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The draft Essential Principles, as amended by the Working Group on Inland Protection, be approved in principle as the present position of the CCR.
    2. The Executive of the CCR be empowered to revise and amend the draft Essential Principles, taking into account feedback from the membership, insofar as such revisions and amendments are in accord with the principles and policies of the CCR.
    3. The CCR publicize the Essential Principles and encourage its members to do likewise.
  • Res.: 20
    1. In practice, Palestinian refugees are excluded from the mandate of the UNHCR in the host counties.
    2. UNRWA, unlike UNHCR, is not mandated to provide protection and security to Palestinian refugees under its administration.
    3. Palestinian refugees have lived without status or protection, often in refugee camps for over 56 years.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the Canadian government to urge the re-examination of UNHCR ’s responsibility toward Palestinian refugees, suggested by the second paragraph of Article 1(d), the so-called “exclusion clause”, and include the second paragraph in their statutes as a basis for extending human rights protection and inclusivity, thus affirming the intention of the 1951 Refugee Convention.

  • Res.: 9
    1. Canada issued over 87,000 temporary work permits last year;
    2. People living on temporary work permits are often in precarious and unstable situations;
    3. Many people living on work permits will eventually become landed in Canada;
    4. People living on temporary work permits are all contributing community members and paying taxes;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge CIC to expand eligibility to settlement services to those living on work permits.
    2. Undertake to examine the issues of, needs of and work being done with people living on temporary work permits.
  • Res.: 14
    1. CCR is celebrating 25 years of private sponsorship in Canada;
    2. Canada's resettlement targets, including for private sponsorship, have largely remained unchanged for the past 10 years, even though overall immigration targets have increased;
    3. An increase in overall resettlement targets reflects a commitment to refugee resettlement and may lead to an increase in resource allocation to resettlement processing.
    4. CCR has consistently maintained the three principles of private sponsorship; partnership, additionality and naming;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge the Canadian Government to set resettlement targets at a minimum of 8% of overall immigration targets, while respecting the private sponsorship principle of additionality;
    2. Work together with the SAH representatives to the NGO-Government Committee on the Private Sponsorship of Refugees to negotiate annual private sponsorship targets with CIC.
  • Res.: 19
    1. Canada is a party to the Palermo Protocol;
    2. CCR passed Resolution 24 in December 2001 and subsequently has held regional workshops and a national conference to explore the issues domestically.
    3. It was identified that a serious barrier exists for trafficked persons, in particular women and children, seeking assistance due to lack of access to legal status in Canada;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on the Government of Canada to expand the definition of protected persons to include trafficked persons.
    2. Call on the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to urgently develop a regulatory class.
    3. Call on CIC to give trafficked persons special consideration under H&C, and to accompany this with a regulatory stay.
    4. Insist that these measures not be tied to providing testimony and not be punitive.
    5. Call on CIC to give trafficked persons access to Interim Federal Health (IFH) benefits, work permits and legal aid.
    6. Call on the IRB to address the special circumstances of trafficked persons in the gender guidelines.
    7. Call on the federal and provincial governments to ensure that separated children have guardians assigned to them.
  • Res.: 24
    1. All protected persons, including children, applying as principal applicants for permanent residents must pay the $550 processing fee within180 days;
    2. This $550 fee is a significant and sometimes insurmountable barrier for many protected persons;
    3. In 1994 the CCR adopted a resolution condemning all cost-recovery fees for landing applications for refugees and their dependants;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask that the regulations be amended to waive the processing fee for all protected persons in Canada, consistent with the waiver of this fee for overseas protected persons.

  • Res.: 29
    1. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has noted with concern in its recent report on Canada that the "best interests" principle as a primary consideration in all decisions affecting children is not being observed by administrative and judicial authorities in many areas, including in decisions on deportation;
    2. The CCR adopted a resolution in November 2002 calling for guidelines on the best interests of the child;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to develop guidelines for his officers to ensure that the best interests of children affected by a deportation decision are given "primary consideration" as required by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child and that, for greater certainty, on public policy grounds, there is a presumption that deportation of the parent of a minor child in Canada would not be in the child's best interest.

  • Res.: 2
    1. Youth comprise a significant and often overlooked portion of the population.
    2. Youth are the leaders of tomorrow;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR encourage the involvement and participation of youth at every CCR consultation by designating a local youth organizing committee and furthermore that the CCR support youth participation.

  • Res.: 7
    1. The government of Canada made a commitment to Canadians for efficient program management in the document "Results for Canadians";
    2. The government of Canada made a commitment to the Voluntary Sector for rational reporting systems in the Voluntary Sector Accord and its Code of Good Practice on Funding;
    3. LINC providers in Ontario are being forced into a triple reporting structure because CIC's two computer systems, the regional ARS and the national iCAMS, are incompatible and unreliable;
    4. ISAP providers in Ontario are being forced into double reporting because NHQ and Ontario Region do not have the same reporting requirements;
    5. Both LINC and ISAP providers are forced to input large amounts of client data into systems with no capacity to assist program management;
    6. CIC provides no realistic support for this administrative burden;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That CCR write to Treasury Board and CIC urging them to:

    1. Stop the implementation of iCAMS until the issues between CIC national and CIC region have been resolved.
    2. Review the iCAMS system in light of the new Voluntary Sector agreement to ensure that it conforms with the Code of Good Practices on Funding.
    3. Take into consideration CCR's previous resolutions from May 2001(Res. 1), Dec. 2000 (Res. 16) and May 1999 (Res. 4).
  • Res.: 12
    1. Stateless people are in a vulnerable situation because they have no protection from a state;
    2. IRPA does not specify stateless persons as a group needing protection or eligible for landing on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Strongly urge the Minister to amend IRPA to include statelessness as a ground for protection (both in Canada and for resettlement).
    2. In the alternative, use the authority of subsection 25(1) to establish "protection of stateless persons" as a public policy category for permanent residence and amend the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations to include statelessness as a ground for resettlement to Canada.
    3. As an interim measure urge CIC to amend the Immigration Manual, Chapter IP5, to include statelessness as a factor for landing in H&C applications. ID requirements and establishment requirements should be waived in view of the special hardships faced by stateless persons.
  • Res.: 17
    1. The majority of refugee claimants in detention in Toronto and elsewhere are required to pay a bond to be released;
    2. Most refugee claimants do not have friends or relatives to pay the bond;
    3. The bail program in Toronto is very slow and does not accept all claimants.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR ask CIC and the IRB to release refugee claimants who satisfy their identity requirements, without a bond.

  • Res.: 22
    1. The Montreal Immigration and Refugee Board has been routinely refusing to grant any change of venue to refugee claimants despite proof of hardship;
    2. The refusals of requests for changes of venue have caused hardships for refugee claimants;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on the Immigration and Refugee Board to ensure that in all of its regions a request for change of venue not be rejected where a claimant can show that hardship would result from such a rejection.
    2. Call on the IRB and CIC to allow persons to choose their place of hearing where hardship would result from a refusal to grant this choice.
  • Res.: 27

    Recent family court decisions in B.C. and Ontario have provided that a child who comes under the jurisdiction of the Hague Convention and who is a refugee claimant in Canada could be returned to the country where she fears persecution prior to a determination of the refugee claim;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR work with the UNHCR and with the UN committee that monitors the Hague Convention and with the Departments of Justice of the provinces which are parties to the Hague Convention to ensure that these two international covenants are applied in a manner that does not interfere with a child's right to have a refugee claim determined and not to be refouled to a country where she has a well-founded fear of persecution.

  • Res.: 5

    A CCR resolution in May 2003 supported the development of a Client Code of Rights to inform clients of their rights and outline a complaint process;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR endorse the following Client Code of Service Rights and encourage its use by CCR member organizations:

    1. You have the right to receive services in a trusting, respectful and supportive environment free of any form of discrimination or harassment.
    2. You have the right of privacy and confidentiality and to disclose only what you believe is necessary at any given time.
    3. Staff limits of confidentiality include: the requirement to report incidents of child abuse, to comply with a court ordered subpoena and to prevent harm.
    4. The file is the property of [Agency name] and you have the right to review it and make comments if you disagree with the contents of the file.
    5. You make decisions about your needs and goals.
    6. You have the right to refuse services at any time or to request service from an alternate person.
    7. You have the right to receive accurate, complete and timely information.
    8. You have the right to a safe, fair and transparent complaint process when you feel that your rights have been violated.
  • Res.: 10
    1. Refugees from Liberia have continued to flee to Tabour Camp in Ivory Coast and to Buduburam Camp in Ghana;
    2. Canadians from Liberia are in regular communication with these refugees;
    3. There is presently no hope for early repatriation or local integration;
    4. The camps are seriously ill-equipped to protect their residents;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on the Government of Canada to urge the UNHCR to provide humanitarian aid adequate for the safety, health and maintenance of these vulnerable populations.
    2. Urge Citizenship and Immigration Canada to expedite early resettlement of persons in urgent need of resettlement.
  • Res.: 15

    The increasing use of detention by CIC in provincial jails has resulted in the transfer of immigration detainees to remote areas, where they are effectively denied the right to counsel and cannot even contact counsel due to the requirement to communicate via collect calls from these jails;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That CCR call upon the federal and provincial governments to establish procedures to ensure effective access to counsel for all immigration detainees, including free telephone access and face to face communication with counsel.

  • Res.: 20
    1. The CCR passed Resolution 24 in December 2001 and subsequently has held regional workshops and a national conference to explore the issues domestically;
    2. The Conference identified urgent protection for trafficked women and children as a key priority;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Request CIC to develop an immediate protection mechanism leading to permanent residence in Canada to protect trafficked women and children and that the necessary resources and support structures be put in place to sustain the program.
    2. Urge that the Urgent Protection Program be expanded to include trafficked persons and that their immediate family grouping be kept intact since family members left behind may be at risk.
  • Res.: 25
    1. There is disturbing news of attacks against the fundamental rights of Canadian citizens overseas;
    2. Canadian citizens overseas have experienced severe torture (the cases of Mr Arar and Mr Sampson) and even death under torture (the case of Ms Zahra Kazemi);
    3. The US authorities have returned a naturalized Canadian citizen to his country of origin where he was interrogated and tortured;
    4. There are shocking reports about inadequate support from the Canadian government to Canadians detained overseas and even, in the case of Arar, indications of collaboration between the RCMP and CSIS on the one hand and the US and Syrian authorities on the other;
    5. Visible minorities and Canadian citizens with refugee backgrounds are the main victims of such abhorrent practices;
    6. Survivors have demanded a full public inquiry into their tragic experiences;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Ask the Government of Canada to accept requests from survivors or the families of victims for a full independent public inquiry into their cases and the conditions surrounding their arrest, removal to torture and the role of the Canadian officials.
    2. Urge the US government to make a similar public inquiry into the cases of Canadian citizens returned to torture.
    3. Request that the Canadian public inquiry have the utmost transparency with the aim of shedding light on the role of Canadian officials in protecting Canadian citizens and verifying the methods of torture used against our fellow-citizens overseas and on the role of other governments in subjecting Canadians to torture or other cruel and unusual treatment.
    4. Promote Canada's working towards the non-derogable right of every human person not to be sent to torture.
    5. Urge that, even in extreme cases of security suspicion, Canadian citizens overseas be returned to Canada for further investigation and possible prosecution rather than sent to torture.
    6. Appeal to the Canadian government to play an effective role in rehabilitation, redress and compensation in the cases of Canadian citizens who have been tortured overseas.
    7. Petition the Government of Canada to take all necessary steps to maintain Canadian global leadership in the exposure, prevention and eradication of torture and the need for its absolute prohibition.
    8. Ask the Government of Canada to take immediate diplomatic, economic and political action against governments that have tortured and will torture Canadian citizens or send them to torture.
    9. Solicit the Government of Canada to use regional and intergovernmental agencies, where possible, such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the UN Committee Against Torture and the UN Committee on Human Rights to object to the treatment of Canadian citizens overseas.
    10. Encourage the Canadian Government to take immediate action to intervene in the cases of all Canadians who are languishing in overseas jails and are subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment.