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CCR Resolutions Database

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  • Res.: 15
    1. Essential principles of access to refugee protection, due process, and fundamental justice are increasingly under attack in Canada and in other refugee-receiving countries.
    2. The government has indicated that it intends to reform the refugee determination process in Canada.
    Therefore be it resolved:


    1. The draft Essential Principles, as amended by the Working Group on Inland Protection, be approved in principle as the present position of the CCR.
    2. The Executive of the CCR be empowered to revise and amend the draft Essential Principles, taking into account feedback from the membership, insofar as such revisions and amendments are in accord with the principles and policies of the CCR.
    3. The CCR publicize the Essential Principles and encourage its members to do likewise.
  • Res.: 20
    1. In practice, Palestinian refugees are excluded from the mandate of the UNHCR in the host counties.
    2. UNRWA, unlike UNHCR, is not mandated to provide protection and security to Palestinian refugees under its administration.
    3. Palestinian refugees have lived without status or protection, often in refugee camps for over 56 years.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the Canadian government to urge the re-examination of UNHCR ’s responsibility toward Palestinian refugees, suggested by the second paragraph of Article 1(d), the so-called “exclusion clause”, and include the second paragraph in their statutes as a basis for extending human rights protection and inclusivity, thus affirming the intention of the 1951 Refugee Convention.

  • Res.: 3
    1. 75% of GARs currently arriving in Canada have special needs.
    2. Settlement agencies and sponsors are not equipped to respond to these special needs.
    3. These special needs include urgent medical needs.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC and MRCI to:

    1. Recognize the extent of these special needs and reflect this in the training and resourcing of federally funded settlement service providers and those funded through provincial partnerships or programs.
    2. Together with other relevant federal departments, provincial counterparts and educational institutions training health care providers, to seek ways to address the training needs of health providers with respect to refugee trauma and torture and cross-cultural awareness.
    3. Review the current RAP allocation model and upgrade dollars and timeframes to better support these special needs.
  • Res.: 8
    1. There have been long-standing difficulties in obtaining exit permits from Turkey for privately sponsored refugees.
    2. CIC has decided unilaterally to close all current private sponsorship files, including cases which have already been accepted by the visa post to come to Canada.
    3. The Sponsorship Agreement states that the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program “is a symbiotic partnership between SAHs and CIC wherein each relies on the other to fulfill their responsibilities in order for the program to succeed” and “the partnership … provides a framework where SAHs may collaborate with CIC to respond to special measures … and emergency situations” (Principles b and g).
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge CIC to keep all current private sponsorship files in Turkey open until all avenues have been pursued and until such time as an agreement can be reached with the SAH representatives, and to lift the ban on new undertakings, pending a solution(s) to the exit permit issues.
    2. Urge the government of Canada to continue working with the Multilateral Technical Committee to find a solution(s) to the current and future Turkish exit permit issues.
    3. Urge CIC to respect the terms of the SAH agreement (Principles b and g) and work in full collaboration with elected SAH representatives in further negotiations.
    4. Urge UNHCR to take proactive steps to assist in facilitating the departure from Turkey of persons accepted by the Canadian visa post.
  • Res.: 13
    1. The news about torture, murders and disappearance of prisoners in Iraq, Afghanistan and Guantanamo Bay by American and coalition forces has shocked the conscience of the world and has led to widespread reaction in the USA and elsewhere.
    2. An Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture, dealing with the mandate of the UN Committee against Torture to enter and monitor conditions in places of detention, has been adopted by the UN General Assembly and is ready for accession.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Prime Minister of Canada demanding that Canada:

    1. Make a public condemnation of torture in Iraq and Afghanistan by US and coalition forces, and ask for the US administration to:
      a) Adhere to the international legal instruments against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment.
      b) Train US military personnel and other enforcement official to adhere to these human rights standards.
      c) Allow outside inspection of US-controlled jails, detention centres and other facilities where persons are detained.
      d) Designate an independent ombudsperson to receive complains about torture and other human rights abuses.
    2. Accede to the UN Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and encourage other countries – including and especially the USA – to do the same.
  • Res.: 18
    1. The current military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip violates a plethora of international human rights conventions which Canada has ratified.
    2. Palestinians living under military occupation in the West Bank and Gaza Strip are facing a humanitarian disaster.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on the Canadian government to immediately place a moratorium on deportations to The Palestinian occupied territories, in recognition of the ongoing military occupation and the risk to the life, liberty and security of those living under it.

  • Res.: 1
    1. CCR passed Resolution 19,Dec. 2000 on combating homophobia and heterosexism and Resolution 4, May1998 on the need to develop internal policies that affirm the rights of individuals.
    2. CCR should lead by example in combating homophobia and heterosexism in the CCR membership and the immigrant and refugee serving communities.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Develop an anti-homophobia and anti-heterosexism policy to present to its membership for endorsement at the Fall 2004 consultation.
    2. Ensure that this new policy and the existing anti-racism policy incorporate an integrated approach in implementation.
  • Res.: 6

    The iCAMS system has been implemented across the country, and has proven to be a major burden to agencies, and cannot produce accurate and useful reports for either agencies or CIC.

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration insisting that CIC:

    1. Dedicate the necessary resources to bring the iCAMS system up to modern standards, so that: a) it will support database to database transfers, and b) allow for local reports production.
    2. Adjust the data collection points in consultation with the sector to bring them in line with the Accountability Framework, and to make the system’s use less burdensome for agencies.
  • Res.: 11
    1. The problems with the IFH program have been mounting.
    2. The IFH Advisory Committee has become inactive.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge Medical Services Branch to mobilize the IFH Advisory Committee to develop solutions to: a) registration problems b) the complex claim process c) the slow reimbursement scheme d) inadequate resources for increasing special needs.

  • Res.: 27

    Recent family court decisions in B.C. and Ontario have provided that a child who comes under the jurisdiction of the Hague Convention and who is a refugee claimant in Canada could be returned to the country where she fears persecution prior to a determination of the refugee claim;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR work with the UNHCR and with the UN committee that monitors the Hague Convention and with the Departments of Justice of the provinces which are parties to the Hague Convention to ensure that these two international covenants are applied in a manner that does not interfere with a child's right to have a refugee claim determined and not to be refouled to a country where she has a well-founded fear of persecution.

  • Res.: 5

    A CCR resolution in May 2003 supported the development of a Client Code of Rights to inform clients of their rights and outline a complaint process;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR endorse the following Client Code of Service Rights and encourage its use by CCR member organizations:

    1. You have the right to receive services in a trusting, respectful and supportive environment free of any form of discrimination or harassment.
    2. You have the right of privacy and confidentiality and to disclose only what you believe is necessary at any given time.
    3. Staff limits of confidentiality include: the requirement to report incidents of child abuse, to comply with a court ordered subpoena and to prevent harm.
    4. The file is the property of [Agency name] and you have the right to review it and make comments if you disagree with the contents of the file.
    5. You make decisions about your needs and goals.
    6. You have the right to refuse services at any time or to request service from an alternate person.
    7. You have the right to receive accurate, complete and timely information.
    8. You have the right to a safe, fair and transparent complaint process when you feel that your rights have been violated.
  • Res.: 10
    1. Refugees from Liberia have continued to flee to Tabour Camp in Ivory Coast and to Buduburam Camp in Ghana;
    2. Canadians from Liberia are in regular communication with these refugees;
    3. There is presently no hope for early repatriation or local integration;
    4. The camps are seriously ill-equipped to protect their residents;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Call on the Government of Canada to urge the UNHCR to provide humanitarian aid adequate for the safety, health and maintenance of these vulnerable populations.
    2. Urge Citizenship and Immigration Canada to expedite early resettlement of persons in urgent need of resettlement.
  • Res.: 15

    The increasing use of detention by CIC in provincial jails has resulted in the transfer of immigration detainees to remote areas, where they are effectively denied the right to counsel and cannot even contact counsel due to the requirement to communicate via collect calls from these jails;

    Therefore be it resolved:

    That CCR call upon the federal and provincial governments to establish procedures to ensure effective access to counsel for all immigration detainees, including free telephone access and face to face communication with counsel.

  • Res.: 20
    1. The CCR passed Resolution 24 in December 2001 and subsequently has held regional workshops and a national conference to explore the issues domestically;
    2. The Conference identified urgent protection for trafficked women and children as a key priority;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Request CIC to develop an immediate protection mechanism leading to permanent residence in Canada to protect trafficked women and children and that the necessary resources and support structures be put in place to sustain the program.
    2. Urge that the Urgent Protection Program be expanded to include trafficked persons and that their immediate family grouping be kept intact since family members left behind may be at risk.
  • Res.: 25
    1. There is disturbing news of attacks against the fundamental rights of Canadian citizens overseas;
    2. Canadian citizens overseas have experienced severe torture (the cases of Mr Arar and Mr Sampson) and even death under torture (the case of Ms Zahra Kazemi);
    3. The US authorities have returned a naturalized Canadian citizen to his country of origin where he was interrogated and tortured;
    4. There are shocking reports about inadequate support from the Canadian government to Canadians detained overseas and even, in the case of Arar, indications of collaboration between the RCMP and CSIS on the one hand and the US and Syrian authorities on the other;
    5. Visible minorities and Canadian citizens with refugee backgrounds are the main victims of such abhorrent practices;
    6. Survivors have demanded a full public inquiry into their tragic experiences;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Ask the Government of Canada to accept requests from survivors or the families of victims for a full independent public inquiry into their cases and the conditions surrounding their arrest, removal to torture and the role of the Canadian officials.
    2. Urge the US government to make a similar public inquiry into the cases of Canadian citizens returned to torture.
    3. Request that the Canadian public inquiry have the utmost transparency with the aim of shedding light on the role of Canadian officials in protecting Canadian citizens and verifying the methods of torture used against our fellow-citizens overseas and on the role of other governments in subjecting Canadians to torture or other cruel and unusual treatment.
    4. Promote Canada's working towards the non-derogable right of every human person not to be sent to torture.
    5. Urge that, even in extreme cases of security suspicion, Canadian citizens overseas be returned to Canada for further investigation and possible prosecution rather than sent to torture.
    6. Appeal to the Canadian government to play an effective role in rehabilitation, redress and compensation in the cases of Canadian citizens who have been tortured overseas.
    7. Petition the Government of Canada to take all necessary steps to maintain Canadian global leadership in the exposure, prevention and eradication of torture and the need for its absolute prohibition.
    8. Ask the Government of Canada to take immediate diplomatic, economic and political action against governments that have tortured and will torture Canadian citizens or send them to torture.
    9. Solicit the Government of Canada to use regional and intergovernmental agencies, where possible, such as the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, the UN Committee Against Torture and the UN Committee on Human Rights to object to the treatment of Canadian citizens overseas.
    10. Encourage the Canadian Government to take immediate action to intervene in the cases of all Canadians who are languishing in overseas jails and are subjected to torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment.
  • Res.: 30
    1. The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has noted with concern in its recent report on Canada that children are being excluded from schools in Canada because of their lack of immigration status;
    2. It is the policy of the CCR that all minor children residing in Canada have the right to attend school regardless of their immigration status;
    3. Education of children is a matter of the exclusive jurisdiction of the provincial governments under the Canadian constitution;
    4. The exception set out in section 30(2) of IRPA has the effect, due to its ambiguity, of excluding from school many children who are not visitors;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to amend section 30(2) omitting the exception.
    2. Contact all the provincial Ministers of Education and urge them to ensure that all minor children are admitted to schools in Canada free of charge without regard to their immigration status.
    3. Work with local groups such as the Education Rights Task Force in Ontario to develop strategies to ensure that all minor children have free access to education everywhere in Canada regardless of their immigration status.
  • Res.: 3
    1. The province of BC is preparing a system of 'Open Tendering' for settlement services, potentially contracting private sector interests to deliver core settlement services to immigrants for profit.
    2. CIC has intentionally developed an internationally unique infrastructure of community-based immigrant settlement organizations across all provinces and territories;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR express to CIC-NHQ (Integration), CIC BC Region and the BC Ministry of Community, Aboriginal and Women's Services concerns about the threat posed to service quality, accessibility, professionalism and community connectedness by 'Open tendering' and the potential transfer of settlement services away from the current network of community-based agencies.

  • Res.: 8
    1. The need for language training increases in communities affected by secondary migration;
    2. The new funding allocation model does not address the immediate training needs of newcomers now living in affected communities;
    3. These communities have long waiting lists for LINC classes;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR urge CIC to:

    1. Increase the overall amount of money available for immigrant services.
    2. Include a consideration of secondary migration in the calculation of the funding allocation formula.
  • Res.: 13
    1. A significant number of refugees applying for private sponsorship are found to be inadmissible pursuant to s. 34(1) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act;
    2. These refugees are entitled to request Ministerial Relief, and an exemption from inadmissibility, pursuant to s. 34(2) of IRPA, on the grounds that it would not be detrimental to Canada's national interest to admit them to Canada;
    3. The CIC policy manuals advise visa officers to consider Ministerial Relief only in cases where it is specifically requested by refugees;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge the Canadian Government to require that visa officers advise refugees and other applicants for permanent residence of the option to apply for Ministerial Relief pursuant to s. 34(2) of IRPA in cases where they are considering rejection of their case pursuant to s. 34(1).
    2. Write to the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration about the significance of Ministerial Relief and ask the Minister to act more generously in issuing Ministerial Relief.
  • Res.: 18
    1. IRPA is silent on the issue of statelessness which increases the vulnerability of stateless people;
    2. Current data collection systems of the government are inconsistent and ad hoc on statistics relating to statelessness;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR request that CIC and the IRB review their data management and reporting systems to ensure the accurate and timely collection and reporting of statistics relating to statelessness, in particular:

    • refugee status determination hearings when statelessness was a factor (numbers, country of residence)
    • H&C applications of stateless cases (numbers accepted, numbers rejected, countries of habitual residence)
    • detention of stateless persons (length of detention, reason for detention, country of habitual residence, place of detention, age, gender)
    • removals of stateless persons (including country of habitual residence, age, gender, country removed to).
    • resettlement of stateless persons.
  • Res.: 23
    1. The IRB has implemented new guidelines related to the conduct of hearings;
    2. Many of the provisions contained in these guidelines will result in a denial of refugee claimants' right to be heard and right to counsel;
    3. The IRB has implemented these guidelines in a clear attempt to increase the efficiency of the Board without consideration of the negative impact these guidelines will have on claimants' ability to get a fair hearing;
    4. The CCR has previously passed a resolution (15, Nov. 1998) on video-conferencing of refugee hearings;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the IRB to:

    1. Withdraw the requirement that the Refugee Protection Officer or Member examine a claimant prior to the claimant's counsel.
    2. Withdraw the ability of the IRB to schedule hearings without regard to counsel's calendars.
    3. Direct Members not to impose a video-conferencing hearing on a claimant in the face of a claimant's objection.
    4. Amend the guidelines to delete the direction to Board members to restrict the length and content of a claimant’s counsel’s submissions.
    5. Add clear guidelines on the treatment of vulnerable claimants in the Guidelines on the Conduct of Hearings.
  • Res.: 28
    1. The reunification of families continues to be a serious problem for refugees in Canada;
    2. No financial support requirement need be satisfied in the resettlement of protected persons;
    3. Under the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations, children who are granted "protected person" status in Canada are not permitted to include their parents and siblings, either abroad or in Canada, in their applications to be landed as "protected persons";
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call upon the Minister of Citizenship and Immigration to amend the Regulations [R. 1(3)] so that "family member" of a "protected person" includes the parent and siblings of a "protected person" who is a minor.

  • Res.: 1
    1. The immigrant and refugee sector has made little attempt to create meaningful linkages with Canada's First Nation communities.
    2. Non-aboriginal Canadians (including immigrants and refugees) have been beneficiaries of Canada's policies that have discriminated against Aboriginal communities;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR call on its members to sensitize themselves on the issues facing First Nations communities and explore ways of having meaningful dialogue with these communities.

  • Res.: 6
    1. Homeless immigrants and refugees are a vulnerable population;
    2. HRDC will not issue Social Insurance Numbers without immigration documents and CIC will not issue permanent residence cards without a Social Insurance Number.
    3. Immigrants cannot travel without a permanent resident card after December 31, 2003.
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge HRDC to set up a process to work with homeless and other vulnerable immigrants to obtain Social Insurance Numbers.
    2. Urge CIC to extend the deadline for permanent resident cards until December 2004.
  • Res.: 11
    1. There are more than 120,000 refugees in the Dadaab camps and 86,000 in Kakuma refugee camp from several different African countries who have been resident there for up to 14 years;
    2. Peace processes are underway in the region, which have potential implications to refugees such as possible reduction of services and closure of camps;
    Therefore be it resolved:

    That the CCR:

    1. Urge the UNHCR to ensure that conducive conditions exist before beginning any voluntary repatriation of refugees from the camps.
    2. Urge the UNHCR to continue to promote resettlement as a durable solution for these refugees.
    3. Encourage the Canadian government to continue to actively assist the UNHCR in promoting resettlement as a durable solution for these vulnerable populations;
    4. Encourage the Canadian government to increase funding to the UNHCR and WFP programs and services in the camps.