Anti-racism education
- Racism is a reality in Canadian society;
- In particular, racism is reflected in refugee and immigrant selection policies;
- The deepening economic recession has stimulated even more backlash against refugees and immigrants;
- Another important reflection of racism is the manner in which refugees and immigrants are treated after arrival. There are numerous racial discriminations which appear in the public and the political domain. As a result Canadian refugees and immigrant people of colour and their children are being systematically prevented from participating in the Canadian mosaic;
- The CCR as a priority undertake a programme of public education to dispel refugee myths. One major undertaking should be the incorporation into press releases of the contribution of newcomers to this society;
- The CCR incorporate a statement into all its external and internal documents, such as its mission statement and its By-Laws, that part of the role of the Council is to actively promote an anti-racist perspective/initiative in all its work;
- The CCR set up an internal core group that includes representation from the diverse refugee and immigrant communities to devise strategies to combat racism;
- As part of its mandate, the core group encourage linkages between immigrant and refugee groups.